Roof Inspection – When and Why?
After Storms

The most common time for a property owner to have their roof inspected is after we have experienced spring or late-fall storms. High winds and hail are a frequent occurrence in our part of the state. These conditions, however, don’t always lead to the necessity for replacement–or even repairs–to your roof. Typically, smaller (less than nickel-size) hail stones don’t result in consequential damage to roofs–especially those roofs which have been installed during the last 10-15 years. Older roofs are more prone to damage from hail and wind, since they are more brittle and susceptible to impact damage. For asphalt shingle roofs, the adhesives used to seal shingle courses weaken over time, allowing the shingles to be more easily lifted or detached during wind events. Larger hail stones–sometimes larger than baseballs– though, often lead to more considerable roof damage. These less frequent storms will inflict damage to almost any roofing material–even steel panels and clay or concrete tiles.
Additionally, if your roof system consists of more than 1 layer (such as wood shingles beneath asphalt shingles or 2-3 layers of asphalt shingles), your roof surface will be much more prone to impact damage from hail. Even smaller hail stones can bruise or puncture multi-layer roofs due to their less-solid substrate. Think of it this way: if you place a paper towel on a table top and poke it with your finger, you likely won’t puncture it since the solid surface beneath deflects some of the impact energy. However, if you firmly hold the paper towel in the air and then poke it, your finger will punch a hole through it. The same analogy holds true for multi-layer roofs. If your roof consists of more than one layer, you will certainly want to assess it more regularly and particularly after hail storms of any consequence.
After a storm, take a visual survey of your roof and surrounding property. If you notice areas where roofing material appears to be missing or out of place, please call us to request a wind-damage inspection. Hail damage is much more difficult to assess from ground-level, however. If roof vents appear to be significantly dented or wind-turbines are “wobbling” as they rotate, it is also possible that the roofing materials have sustained damage. Large amounts of ceramic granules on the ground (small amounts are usually not an issue) from asphalt shingle roofs are also a sign that you might have incurred hail damage.
It is our suggestion that unless you are certain that you’ve received significant damage to your roof, call Glenco Roofing for an inspection prior to filing a claim with your insurance company. Minor repairs which can correct your problem and which do not exceed the cost of your policy deductible (normally 1% of the insured value of your home) are usually not worth reporting to your agent or carrier. Why file a claim if you’re not likely to receive compensation from your insurance company? Our inspectors have years of experience in assessing damage and recommending necessary repairs. We will always give you an honest opinion concerning your situation. Yes–we are roofing professionals and hope to perform work for you when it’s needed. But–more importantly–we’re also homeowners and will not encourage you to file unnecessary claims solely to have a chance at “selling you a roof”. If you need repairs or if you need to replace your roof, we’ll tell you. If you don’t need to spend your hard-earned money on these items, though, we’ll tell you that too!
Other Reasons to Request an Inspection

If you’re selling a home, the roof’s condition is always an item of interest for prospective buyers. If you’ve recently had repairs performed or your roof has been replaced during your ownership, provide a copy of the invoice and/or work description to buyers. Workmanship warranties provided by Glenco Roofing are transferable, so peace of mind is available for the new owners. If you suspect that the existing roof might be an issue during the home inspection or that its condition might adversely affect your home’s curb appeal, call us and we’ll give you an honest assessment.
If you’re buying a new home, we’re also available to inspect the roof and offer advice as to its condition and expected service life. Though no contractor is able to guarantee insurability, we’ll give our experienced and professional opinion concerning such a vital component of your new purchase. Many real estate agents and home inspectors will routinely recommend that you contact Glenco Roofing as an additional step in the real estate sale process.
In Summary
Roofs will typically endure for 20-40 years in north Texas with routine maintenance–depending upon the materials used. However, factors such as storm damage, direct exposure to the sun, improper materials for lower pitches, lack of ventilation, low-hanging tree limbs and leaves and vegetative debris build-up can significantly shorten the life of any roof. If your roof has any of these characteristics or other signs of wear-and-tear, it’s a good idea to call Glenco Roofing and let us evaluate any repairs or changes which might be practical and beneficial. Otherwise, you risk more severe problems such as decking rot and interior damage to your home and its contents.